sâmbătă, 11 septembrie 2010

Heart Under Blade

"These people hated each other. Their corpses lie rotting...Spirits tainded by blood. Their bonds were broken by sword. They were consumed by the darkness...and their souls were crying. They told their loved ones Prepare to die! "

To the one I love, prepare to die!

P.S.: Basilisk - The Movie [Shinobi]

2 comentarii:

  1. Mesajul tău e dedicat cuiva anume, sau e doar un promo pentru anime-ul asta? :)

  2. :D U never know.

    Dacă ai ocazia, uita-te - la anime sau la film, la oricare; sunt super (anime-ul are conflictul emoţional mult mai intens, dar merg oricare, până la urmă).

    P.S.: eu le am pe amândouă :D
